Raising a Reader – 10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader
According to an article on the Reading Rockets website, “Parents are a child’s first teacher and there are many simple things that you can do every day to share the joy of reading while strengthening your child’s literacy skills.”
Here are ten tips to help you raise a reader:
- Start a reading routine with your baby from day one. The warmth of your lap and the soothing sound of a book being read aloud are great for a baby’s development.
- Share books with your child every day. Even after your child becomes an independent reader, still read to them every day.
- Reread favorite stories. Children love to hear their favorite books over and over again. By rereading books, you are providing an opportunity for your child to hear or see something they may have missed the first time.
- Send positive message about the joy of reading. If you as a parent express interest and excitement about books your child will pick up on that excitement.
- Visit the library on a regular basis. Citrus Libraries is a great resource for books, story times, and more. Make a visit to the library part of your routine as a family.
- Look for opportunities to find reading and writing in everyday things. Show your child how you use reading and writing for everyday activities such as grocery shopping, cooking, and writing notes.
- Expand your child’s comprehension skills by giving them something to think and talk about. Citrus Libraries has many different types of books available for children to checkout. Seeking out new subjects gives you and your child the chance to think and talk about something new.
- Talk, talk, talk. It has been proven that a child’s vocabulary grows through conversations with others. Regardless of your child’s age, make sure to narrate what you are doing, talk in full sentences, and enhance your conversations with interesting words.
- Encourage your child to identify as a reader by getting them signed up for their very own library card. You can get your child a library card from any of the five branches of the Citrus County Library System, or apply online!
- Encourage friends and family to give books as gifts for birthdays and other holidays. You can provide a list of books that you know your child will be interested in reading.
“10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader.” Reading Rockets, 2012 https://www.readingrockets.org/article/10-things-you-can-do-raise-reader