Technology Education
Citrus Libraries provides informal and formal education to our library users. Technology classes are designed to assist our members in various areas from work recovery preparation, understanding digital concepts, as well as keeping users abreast of the latest technological advances with real world applications. All technology classes and related technology help is provided free of charge to all members of the Citrus County Library System.

Tech Talk
Tech Talks are our lecture style classes that are used when a topic involves providing information more than showing examples. Our Tech Talks cover a wide range of subjects from Alternatives to Cable, smartphone classes, to online privacy and security where students can learn on their own device. Our Tech Talks are taught at each of our branches.

Computer Lab Classes
Topics requiring hands-on interaction with computers are taught in a traditional instructor led classroom format. In these classes, students are able to follow along with the instructor on our library computers which are located in our computer labs at the Central Ridge and Homosassa libraries.

Tech Talks: On-Demand
Tech Talks: On-Demand are quick, visual explanations of commonly asked questions that the Citrus County Library System Instruction & Research librarians have designed for anyone of all ages! Grab tips, tricks, shortcuts and more when you check out one of our videos.

Technology Class Descriptions
Find a description for every Tech Talk and Computer Class that the Citrus County Library System has to offer.