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Outside the Stacks: A Citrus Libraries Blog

Outside the Stacks

Citrus Libraries Recognizes Business Appreciation Month

Citrus Libraries Recognizes Business Appreciation Month

If you are seeking employment, better employment, or information about running a business, the Citrus County Library System is here to help. Besides the books in our collection about resumes, interviewing, business practices, and other useful employment information, there are other resources, classes, and presentations offered that may help you...

Language Learning Apps

Language Learning Apps

Konnichiwa, hola, and bonjour! Learning a new language is a constructive way to keep your brain sharp and expand your horizons, and smartphone apps have made it easier and more accessible than ever.

Learn About Medicare at the Library

Learn About Medicare at the Library

SHINE, a program created by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, is the official, unbiased source of information on all parts of Medicare. The upcoming presentation, Medicare Basics: Medicare 101, will be held at the Lakes Region branch in Inverness on Tuesday, August 23 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Digitally Preparing for Natural Disasters

Digitally Preparing for Natural Disasters

Hurricane season (June 1st – November 30th) is right around the corner. As we prepare for potential high winds, heavy rain, storm surge and flooding, let’s take a look at how technology can help keep us informed and up-to-date in the case of an emergency.

Movies with Miles, Movies Featuring Miles Teller from Top Gun: Maverick and Lecanto High School Alma Mater

Movies with Miles

We're just as excited as you to see Miles Teller, Lecanto High School Alma Mater, in Top Gun: Maverick! Perhaps you caught the glimpse of him from his school days in the movie. Be sure to check out these other movies our libraries have that feature him!