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Outside the Stacks: A Citrus Libraries Blog

Outside the Stacks

Game On An Intro to Mobile Games

Game On: An Intro to Mobile Games

Most of us could agree that smartphones are more of a necessity than a luxury these days, but all work and no play would make anyone a dull boy! Among the seemingly infinite number of life-improving, useful apps is a vast selection of mobile games—games designed to be played on...

Citrus Libraries Offers Award-Winning “Wild New World Epic Story of Animals and People in America” during Worldwide Digital Book Club

Citrus Libraries Offers Award-Winning “Wild New World: Epic Story of Animals and People in America” during Worldwide Digital Book Club

Sometimes the truth creates the most fascinating tale. Residents of Citrus County can experience this firsthand by reading an award-winning true story about history, nature and science during Big Library Read, the world’s largest digital book club. From May 9-23, Dan Flores’s Wild New World: The Epic Story...

Playing with your Baby

Playing with your Baby

From infancy on, play is an important part of a child’s life. Through games and playful activities, children can practice and strengthen important skills that will help them throughout their lives, including learning to focus their attention, strengthening their working memory, and developing basic self-control. Here are some games to play with...

Celebrate National Library Week with Citrus Libraries!

Celebrate National Library Week with Citrus Libraries!

Beginning on Sunday, April 7 and running through Saturday, April 13, libraries across the country will be partaking in the annual celebration of “National Library Week”! This year’s theme “Ready, Set, Library” focuses around the central idea that libraries are the green light for engagement. Community members are encouraged daily...

Golfing Gadgets

Golfing Gadgets

I think we can all admit that one of Citrus County’s favorite past times is a good round of Sunday golf. However, golf probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the wide world of gadgetry. But for those of you looking to level up...

Citrus Libraries Embarks on Emotional Journey through U.S.-wide Book Club

Citrus Libraries Embarks on Emotional Journey through U.S.-wide Book Club

Booklovers in Citrus County can now join readers from over 16,000 public libraries and colleges across the United States enjoying this year’s Together We Read: US digital book club selection. From February 21 to March 6, Citrus Libraries patrons can read Terah Shelton Harris’s thought-provoking debut novel...

Combating Misinformation Online

Combating Misinformation Online

As we journey further into 2024, important events loom on the horizon - tax season, elections, and more. With each topical event comes misinformation campaigns. Misinformation is the deliberate act of providing misleading or inaccurate information. Social media platforms are fraught with misinformation, but these errors are not limited to...

Cell Phone Savvy Seniors

Finding the right cell phone can be difficult, even for those that grew up with them. You have to take into consideration not only the make and model of the phone, but it’s miscellaneous features, extras, and perks awarded to you by a plan provider. The possibilities are endless, and...

Lights, Cameras, Kanopy!

Lights, Cameras, Kanopy!

Film lovers and movie watchers galore have asked for it; we got it! Starting on Tuesday, January 9, Kanopy PLUS (Public Libraries Unlimited Subscriptions) has officially launched with the new year! Digital streaming has been a long-awaited feature that patrons have been looking forward to experiencing. Each Kanopy PLUS pack...