Oreodont: The Ruminating Hog

Come explore the history and biology of one of Florida’s ancient creatures! On Monday, September 23 at 1:30 PM the SETS Foundation will be hosting their program on the mysterious Oreodont. The Oreodont was a mammal about the size of a sheep that was most closely related to camels and other “cud” chewing mammals, but looked like a pig. They lived in herds all over North America, including Florida. After learning about the Oreodont, participants will be given a small section of a fossilized jaw with teeth. Patrons will remove the attached matrix, clean, and mount their fossilized jaw section to take home and display. Limited seating is available, so registration is required.
Library programs are free and open to the public. To register or for more information about this program, please visit our online calendar at attend.citruslibraries.org/events or call the Central Ridge Library at (352) 746-6622. To stay in the know about upcoming programs and events, and new services and resources available to the public, you can visit citruslibraries.org or follow @CitrusLibraries on Facebook and Instagram.