Learn a Language at the Library!

Hola! Guten Tag! Did you know you can learn a language at the library? Join the Coastal Region Library in Crystal River for a language class! Join us for the launch of Beginner German on Friday, August 16 at 2:00 PM. Learn the foundations of this wonderful language from a native speaker! Learners need no prior German experience.
Interested in picking up Spanish? Join us for Beginner Spanish on Friday, August 23 at 2:00 PM. Also taught by a native speaker, Beginner Spanish requires no prior Spanish experience.
Have you already started your language-learning journey, but want to practice more at home? On Friday, August 30 at 2:00 PM, learn about digital language-learning options during our new class, Tech Talk: Language Learning Apps! Find out about which apps would be best for you based on your target language, learning style, and lifestyle.
Come broaden your horizons and learn a second language at the Coastal Region Library!
Library programs are free and open to the public. To register for these programs, visit our online calendar at attend.citruslibraries.org/events or call the Coastal Region Branch at (352) 795-3716. To stay in the know about upcoming programs and events, follow @CitrusLibraries on Facebook and Instagram.