Lakes Region Library: Temporary Closure before Grand Reopening

Unfortunately, due to delays from the recent storm closures, the renovation is about a week behind schedule. So, we will be postponing the Grand Reopening Celebration at this time and will be looking forward to having the branch reopen to the public on Monday, October 21 at 9:00am.
The Lakes Region branch of the Citrus County Library System will be temporarily closed from Thursday, September 26 through Monday, October 14 while the remaining renovation projects are completed. The branch is expected to reopen on Tuesday, October 15 at 9:00 AM for a Grand Reopening Celebration.
The bookdrop at the Lakes Region branch will remain open for the duration of the closure and the outdoor Wi-Fi will continue to be available. However, patrons will not able to pick-up any of their holds, and branch staff will not be accepting donations during that time. All Lakes Region patrons will have their holds temporarily paused and patrons will have the option to request that their holds be available at another branch. The other four branches of the Citrus County Library System will not be affected by the closure.
This temporary closure is the culmination of a year-long renovation project that has taken place to update the more than 35-year-old building. Patrons have witnessed some of the changes throughout the year, including updates to the lighting, new carpet and painting, as well as the addition of two study rooms and a new meeting room. This renovation has been made possible by ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding, and matching funds from the Library Advisory Board’s building renovation fund that is managed by the U.S. Family Foundation.
Additional details about the renovation and the Grand Reopening Celebration can be found online at To stay up-to-date on this renovation project, and the upcoming renovation of the Coastal Region branch in Crystal River, you can follow @Citrus Libraries on Facebook or Instagram.