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Heritage Hour: Florida’s First Thanksgiving in Floral City

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Heritage Hour Florida’s First Thanksgiving in Floral City

Heritage Hour: Florida’s First Thanksgiving in Floral City

The Floral City Library will be hosting their monthly Heritage Hour program on Florida’s First Thanksgiving later this month. Heritage Hour is a program focused on exploring and honoring the history of the Floral City community and is open to seniors and adults.

This program will explore what the first Thanksgiving may have been like in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. Participants will learn about the food, customs, and traditions of the early Spanish settlers and the Timucua Indians, who lived in the area at the time.

Heritage Hour: Florida’s First Thanksgiving will take place at the Floral City Library on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 from 2:00 to 3:00pm.

To keep up-to-date on this and all other programs offered by Citrus County Library System, visit our website at, call your nearest branch or follow us on Facebook and Instagram @CitrusLibraries.

Tracy Hadlett
Branch Supervisor at Floral City Branch

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