Citrus Libraries A-Z: Week 2
September is Library Card Sign-up Month! This year we’re going “Beyond the Books” as we celebrate all of the services and resources that the libraries provide in addition to reading materials with our Citrus Libraries A-Z series!
In true library fashion we will be working our way through the alphabet, from A-Z, showcasing Citrus Libraries. So, grab a friend (preferably one without a library card) and spend the month with the library! For the week 2, we’re featuring the letters E-I!

E is For eBooks!
If you haven’t noticed, Libby is our jam! Your library card gives you access to our entire collection of eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines through the Libby App meaning that there is something for everyone in the family. Discover the newest releases and start checking them out when you sign-up for Libby today with your Library Card.

F is For Friends of the Library!
Who doesn’t love a Friend?! Our Friends of the Library are more than book sale hosts. They support programs, resources and the mission of the library. Want to know how to support the Friends? Discover our Friends groups and sign-up to become a Friend. Or come to our 2 book sales coming up in the month of October!

G is For Genealogy
Did you know that our libraries offer tons of resources while searching for your family’s roots? We have popular genealogy search platforms like Ancestry Library Edition, available only inside any of our Libraries. With your library card, you can access HeritageQuest Online from home! In addition to these online services, there is an entire genealogical reference collection at the Lakes Region Library with North American records dating back to the 1700’s! Check out or place a hold on one of our Genealogy Guidebooks today and start your family history search.

H is For Helpful Staff!
We LOVE our staff members and we know you do too! From courier to library aid, and IT to youth librarian everyone has a special role that they play.

I is For Interlibrary Loan!
Can’t find the book you’re looking for? Try searching for it using Interlibrary Loan (ILL)! This fantastic search option allows you to source obscure or out of print books from other libraries around the state. Those libraries loan the books to us, so that we can loan them to you!
Look forward to next week’s set of letters for Library Card Sign-up Month!
Check out last week’s Letters.