Citrus Libraries A-Z: Week 3
For the Citrus Libraries A-Z: Week 3 we’re featuring the letters J-P!
September is Library Card Sign-up Month! This year we’re going “Beyond the Books” as we celebrate all of the services and resources that the libraries provide in addition to reading materials with our Citrus Libraries A-Z series!
In true library fashion we will be working our way through the alphabet, from A-Z, showcasing Citrus Libraries. So, grab a friend (preferably one without a library card) and spend the month with the library!

J is For Job Boards and Employment Resources!
Looking to advance your career, search for a new path, or find your first job? Check out our employment resources! We list opportunities within Citrus County and State. Did you know we have a Gale database Links to External Site, opens in new tab. that helps you find and prepare for a career? Looking for a resource inside the libraries? Find one of our job boards with information and resources available at all 5 branches.

K is For Kids & Families!
The back-to-school hustle and bustle is starting to calm and we’re adding more programs just for our Kids & Families! Bring your little ones for a Storytime with our new Books & Babies and Little Learners programs. Citrus Libraries strives to bring fun and educational intergenerational programming to all branches. Stop in for an afternoon activity, grab a book (or a few more!) and spend some time together celebrating reading.

L is For Literacy!
Literacy of all kinds is such an important part of what our libraries do, and it’s so much more than books! We offer one-on-one tutors for Pre-GED classes, citizenship and more. Did you know we have in-house training for all of our tutors, who volunteer their time to make sure the needs of our learners are met? It takes a village, and our literacy village is strong and ready to help! Interested in becoming a tutor, or know someone who could benefit from our services? Check out our Adult Literacy and Literacy Volunteer pages.

M is For Magazines!
We can’t say enough good things about Libby! With your Library card, you can check out magazines with no waiting or having to place a hold through the Libby app! We have popular magazines available like the Food Network Magazine, HGTV Magazine, National Geographic Magazine, and The New Yorker. This is just a quick sampling of the magazines available for checkout, so be sure to check all the magazines we have to offer!

N is For Novelist Plus!*
Are your reading habits stuck in a rut? Look no further than NoveList Plus! This website offers reading suggestions for anyone with a Citrus Libraries card.
*Novelist is no longer available. For reading suggestions check out our Reader’s Advisory Section.

O is For Outdoor Wi-Fi!
Did you hear the news? In July we added outdoor wi-fi access to all of our branch locations! Simply pull up and park at your Citrus Library and open up the network connection options on your device and select the outdoor wi-fi option. This service is available 7 days a week from dawn to dusk.

P is For Programs On-Demand!
We know that getting into the library isn’t always possible, but you could still be looking for some great programs and resources! Look no further than the Citrus Libraries YouTube channel. This channel is filled with stories, activities and even some quick Tech Talks On-Demand. These videos are available for you 24/7 and truly make a library visit possible day or night!
Look forward to next week’s set of letters for Library Card Sign-up Month!
Check out last week’s Letters.