Petitioning Guidelines Policy
View the Petitioning Guidelines policy for the Citrus County Library System. Adopted by Citrus County BOCC on 7/26/2022.
Policy 11
Petitioning Guidelines
The public sidewalks around the libraries are traditional public forums subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on those wishing to use them for purposes protected by the First Amendment. Groups seeking to collect signatures for petitions or to provide other lawful information, may solicit patrons by adhering to the following guidelines:
- One self-provided table may be set up on the grounds outside the Library. Petitioners and registrars may not obstruct walkways, driveways, entrances, exits, or interfere with patrons seeking to use the library. Petitioning, information distribution, or soliciting by outside groups is not permitted inside the building.
- Patrons must not be harassed or pursued beyond a simple request.
- Petitioners will be given one warning about complaints of harassment. Continued failure to conform to library policy will result in being asked to leave.
- If at any time the presence of petitioners causes a disturbance that interferes with library operations, patrons’ access to the building, or creates a safety hazard, petitioners will be asked to leave.
- Signs and posters cannot be affixed to the building. Sound amplification and/or other equipment cannot be used.
- Allowing petitioners on library property in no way indicates an endorsement by the library or Citrus County.
Policy 11 – Issued: 8/12/2013, Revised: 5/23/2022, BOCC Adopted: 7/26/2022

Petitioning Guidelines
The public sidewalks around the libraries are traditional public forums subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on those wishing to use them for purposes protected by the First Amendment. Groups seeking to collect signatures for petitions or to provide other lawful information, may solicit patrons by adhering to the following guidelines:
- One self-provided table may be set up on the grounds outside the Library. Petitioners and registrars may not obstruct walkways, driveways, entrances, exits, or interfere with patrons seeking to use the library. Petitioning, information distribution, or soliciting by outside groups is not permitted inside the building.
- Patrons must not be harassed or pursued beyond a simple request.
- Petitioners will be given one warning about complaints of harassment. Continued failure to conform to library policy will result in being asked to leave.
- If at any time the presence of petitioners causes a disturbance that interferes with library operations, patrons’ access to the building, or creates a safety hazard, petitioners will be asked to leave.
- Signs and posters cannot be affixed to the building. Sound amplification and/or other equipment cannot be used.
- Allowing petitioners on library property in no way indicates an endorsement by the library or Citrus County.
Policy 11 – Issued: 8/12/2013, Revised: 5/23/2022, BOCC Adopted: 7/26/2022