Children in the Library Policy
View the Children in the Library policy for the Citrus County Library System. Adopted by Citrus County BOCC on 7/26/2022.
Policy 04
Children in the Library
Parents, guardians, or caregivers are responsible for the children in their care while they are on library property.
Children age 10 and younger and those children of any age who have emotional, mental, or physical limitations that render direct supervision necessary, must be accompanied continually by a parent, guardian or responsible adult caregiver.
Children, ages 12 and older may be unaccompanied providing they are mature enough to stay alone and observe the library’s code of conduct. A Parent, guardian or adult caregiver must be able to be reached by phone at all times.
When visiting the library without an adult, children under the age of 16 should have definite arrangements to be picked up prior to closing time or in emergencies. If left unattended at closing, staff will first call a parent or guardian. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached or does not arrive within 15 minutes, law enforcement will be notified and asked to assume responsibility. Two library staff members will stay with the child inside the library until the parent or law enforcement arrive.
Policy 04 – Issued: 4/01/1996, Revised: 5/23/2022, BOCC Adopted: 7/26/2022

Children in the Library
Parents, guardians, or caregivers are responsible for the children in their care while they are on library property.
Children age 10 and younger and those children of any age who have emotional, mental, or physical limitations that render direct supervision necessary, must be accompanied continually by a parent, guardian or responsible adult caregiver.
Children, ages 12 and older may be unaccompanied providing they are mature enough to stay alone and observe the library’s code of conduct. A Parent, guardian or adult caregiver must be able to be reached by phone at all times.
When visiting the library without an adult, children under the age of 16 should have definite arrangements to be picked up prior to closing time or in emergencies. If left unattended at closing, staff will first call a parent or guardian. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached or does not arrive within 15 minutes, law enforcement will be notified and asked to assume responsibility. Two library staff members will stay with the child inside the library until the parent or law enforcement arrive.
Policy 04 – Issued: 4/01/1996, Revised: 5/23/2022, BOCC Adopted: 7/26/2022