Borrowing Privileges Policy
View the Borrowing Privileges policy for the Citrus County Library System. Adopted by Citrus County BOCC on 7/26/2022.
Policy 02
Borrowing Privileges
Library cards are issued for a period of three years and can be renewed every three years. Cards will be honored in all branches of the Citrus County Library System. The following policies apply to all branches:
- All library materials circulate for 14 days. Interlibrary loans circulate for 21 days.
- Digital materials circulate for 7 or 14 days depending on category.
- Item limits, per library card are:
50 per item type, with the following exceptions:
10 Item Limit | 7 Item Limit | 5 Item Limit | 4 Item Limit | 2 Item Limit |
DVDs | Digital | Interlibrary Loans | Kits | DVDbox |
CDs |
- Patrons are encouraged to present their library cards to check out library materials. If the library card is unavailable, a photo ID may be used. If no photo ID is available, the patron’s record may be verified verbally, including name, address, telephone number, and/or date of birth.
- Patrons checking out a requested hold item must present the library card used to make the requested hold.
- Worn, cracked, or broken library cards may be replaced at no charge. The charge to replace a lost or stolen library card is $1.00.
- Materials may be renewed in person, by phone, or online. No renewals will be made on materials with outstanding holds. There is a limit of 5 renewals on an item.
- Interlibrary loans may not be renewed.
- Digital materials may be renewed if the title has no outstanding holds.
- Overdue materials can be renewed in person, by phone, or online as long as there are no outstanding holds on the items.
- No overdue fines will be charged. Patrons are encouraged to make a donation when returning overdue materials.
- Patrons with overdue materials or who owe fees for lost or damaged books are not allowed to check out materials until their records are cleared. Other services may also be restricted if a library card in good standing is required for access.
Policy 02 – Issued: 4/01/1996, Revised: 5/23/2022, BOCC Adopted: 7/26/2022

Borrowing Privileges
Library cards are issued for a period of three years and can be renewed every three years. Cards will be honored in all branches of the Citrus County Library System. The following policies apply to all branches:
- All library materials circulate for 14 days. Interlibrary loans circulate for 21 days.
- Digital materials circulate for 7 or 14 days depending on category.
- Item limits, per library card are:
50 per item type, with the following exceptions:
10 Item Limit | 7 Item Limit | 5 Item Limit | 4 Item Limit | 2 Item Limit |
DVDs | Digital | Interlibrary Loans | Kits | DVDbox |
CDs |
- Patrons are encouraged to present their library cards to check out library materials. If the library card is unavailable, a photo ID may be used. If no photo ID is available, the patron’s record may be verified verbally, including name, address, telephone number, and/or date of birth.
- Patrons checking out a requested hold item must present the library card used to make the requested hold.
- Worn, cracked, or broken library cards may be replaced at no charge. The charge to replace a lost or stolen library card is $1.00.
- Materials may be renewed in person, by phone, or online. No renewals will be made on materials with outstanding holds. There is a limit of 5 renewals on an item.
- Interlibrary loans may not be renewed.
- Digital materials may be renewed if the title has no outstanding holds.
- Overdue materials can be renewed in person, by phone, or online as long as there are no outstanding holds on the items.
- No overdue fines will be charged. Patrons are encouraged to make a donation when returning overdue materials.
- Patrons with overdue materials or who owe fees for lost or damaged books are not allowed to check out materials until their records are cleared. Other services may also be restricted if a library card in good standing is required for access.
Policy 02 – Issued: 4/01/1996, Revised: 5/23/2022, BOCC Adopted: 7/26/2022