Library Stories
How have the Libraries impacted you? Share your Library stories with us, whether it’s about our services, events, classes, or how the we have made a positive impact in your life.
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How has your Library improved your life or made an impact in your community? We want to hear from you!

I pulled into the Lakes Region library the other morning and saw a couple members of your staff carefully removing books from the book drop, and I thought, “there go the unsung heroes of every small town.”
I fell in love with the Library growing up. My grandmother would take my cousins and I to story time with Mrs. Fisher! She was so much fun and helped me develop a love for books on a whole new level! Now I am trying to instill that on my children.
This is a very nice library with helpful staff, great programs, a good children’s section, fabulous murals and a decent selection of books, movies, audio, etc. They also have a great Libby selection! Well worth a visit and community support!
I have been taking my grandsons each week [to the summer reading programs] and we have been so appreciative of all the efforts for planning such great activities tied to a theme. You know it’s working when my grandson says “well, we just learned about bees so let’s pick a book to read about bees”! Their enthusiasm for reading this summer has increased thanks to the Library programs! Thank you to all involved!
I have the ability to check out all the books and movies that I need. Thank you for having interlibrary loans. What would I do without it?
The kids loved Debbie so much just from the first zoom program that they were asking if they could have you read to them again as a reward! They wanted you over ice cream!!! They were super excited that you were zooming for “free!”
I love the staff, they have always been so nice to me.
I have been to many libraries in my lifetime, from London to New York to Floral City. And I have to say that this library always has so many projects going on, with new things happening all of the time!
Customer service is not a thing of the past here!
Love the Children’s section décor and the awesome resources available for the community.
Congratulations on a grand Winslow Homer event. I can well appreciate the effort that went into it all. The new prints and frames are grand and beautifully displayed in the Homosassa Library. I had fun painting a bookmark, making my own Homer canvas, and talking with so many people. The lecture was very interesting and it was a nice touch to have classical music performed. Thank you so much!
I’ve joined every Library wherever I’ve lived, and the Coastal Region Citrus County Library is honestly the BEST Library out of all the others. I love the environment, it’s beautiful. The layout of books is awesome! The book selection is by far the best. I think the layout makes the most difference. The Coastal Region Library is the only Library I’ve ever been to in which I find books to read every time.
Love the Children’s section décor and the awesome resources available for the community.
The wonderful people who work here make my Library wonderful!